Saturday, October 25, 2014

OB/GYN in Pontianak (Dokter kandungan di Pontianak)

I've gone to more than 3 doctors through my pregnancy. Most of them are in Pontianak, one in Kuching, Malaysia and one in Jakarta.

I'll try to explain my experience with each doctor I've been to.

1. DR. BADARUL MUCHTAR WD. SP.OG (RSIA Anugrah Bunda Khatulistiwa Pontianak)
The first doctor I went when I found out I was pregnant. I've gone to see this doctor for 4 times. Dari 4x ke Badarul, cuman sekali ngerasa dokternya friendly, and it was because I was the last patient of the day. The other 3 times he was quiet, doesnt talk much, he answers every question I have but doesn't explain much. Pengalaman dokter ini sih ga usah diragukan lg, udah lama prakteknya, sodara banyak bgt yg lahiran sama dia, tp ya cocok2an tiap orang yah..

2. DR. SAUKANI HALIM SP.OG (RSIA Anugrah Bunda Khatulistiwa Pontianak)
After two times with Badarul, I wanted to try other doctor, one of my friend recommend Saukani so I went to see him. Still don't get the vibe that 'oh he's the one'. Nope, tp dokter ini  lebih gampang appointment nya. Doesn't talk much too, but me n my husband were also the quiet type, so maybe it depends..

3. DR. SUDIANTO SP.OG (RSIA Anugrah Bunda Khatulistiwa Pontianak)
I went to see this doctor when i had a diarrhea, he's the only one available at the time. He's a bit young compared to Badarul and Saukani. Nothing much to say about this doctor, but I think he was okay... But I'd rather choose Badarul than him.

4. DR. NICHOLAS NGEH FRCOG CCST (Borneo Medical Centre Kuching, Malaysia)
Since I couldn't find out whether there are full scan or not in Pontianak cause of lack of information from internet, I went to Kuching as recommended by my husband's cousin to see this doctor. He performed a 20 weeks Fetal Anomaly Scan. Using 4D USG, he explained everything in detail. I'm guessing that he's only around his thirties but he really knows what he's doing. If I were going to deliver in Kuching, I would definitely choose him.

5. DR. DARIO TURK SP.OG (RS Medistra Jakarta)
Two words for this doctor, Dokter Selebritis. Gw tau ni dokter dari temen, and katanya bagus, banyak artis yg pake, org bule, well, org Indo kan tetep kalo ngerasa bule biasa lebih pinter ya. Jd ya cobain pas ke Jakarta. Pas nunggu dokter ini emank ketemu artis, tp ngaretnya lamaaa, nunggu 2 jam dr perkiraan harusnya tiba giliran gw. Setelah ketemu ni dokter, yg dibahas malah anaknya sama nastar. Anaknya mau jd penyanyi katanya, ampe dikasih liat video pas anaknya nyanyi juga. Well, intinya ketemu dokter ini agak waste of time sih, nga dapet info apa2 ttg kehamilan gw. Pas ditanya tentang kehamilan jawabnya agak ketus, kayak yg gw tanya tu stupid question, harusnya gw uda tau jawabannya ga osa tanya dia gitu. Akhir2nya bahas anaknya lg... I dont recommend this doctor. Too overrated.

6. DR. SYAHNURAL LUBIS SP.OG (RSIA Anugrah Bunda Khatulistiwa Pontianak)
Dari awal hamil, mertua uda suruh nyarinya dokter ini. Cuman ga tau napa ga jodoh abis, tiap x mau appointment it's rather kelamaan or he's out of town. Jadinya akhir2 baru mulai maksain pake dokter ini, apalagi denger dari org2 dokter ini obatnya ampuh, abis Caesar nga terlalu sakit dibanding dokter lain. Jd ya pas deket2 mau lahiran baru maksa deh sama Lubis. Appointmentnya tetep susah, mesti telpon 1 minggu sebelumnya, terus pas dapet harinya mesti datang pagi2 buat ambil nomor. Tp pas ketemu dokter ini, ternyata langsung cocok. Hubby juga suka sama dokter ini. Emank katanya dokter ini pinter ngomong sih, jdnya cocok x yah buat gw sama hubby yg ga banyak ngomong. Udah yakin bgt sih nanti lahiran sama dia, moga2 aja dia available nanti. Mesin USG nya lebih canggih dibanding dokter2 lain di Anugrah Bunda, uda 4D de harusnya yg ini. Biayanya juga lebih mahal dibanding 3 dokter lain di Anugrah Bunda, tp worth it deh, info yang didapat dr dia lebih banyak, dokternya juga welcome bgt, lgsg dikasih no hp nya buat dihubungin kalo ada pertanyaan.. Oya, dokternya juga masih muda, paling coman 40an...

Well, that's it for now.. Maybe I'll update later.

Monday, September 22, 2014



So it's my first blog here as a mommy to be. I used to have a blog but then it's out of date now....

let me introduce myself!

My name is Hanny, I got no last name so I added Hun myself since many of my friends call me Hun. I'm married to a wonderful man, the love of my life, Heru Wiyono, so actually my last name could be Wiyono now. I'm Mrs. Wiyono ;)

Right now I'm 31 weeks pregnant.. I'm expecting a baby boy. I get to meet him around November. Yayyy!! Cant wait! I'm super excited.

I came from Pontianak, Indonesia. I was born there and live there till primary 6 and continue my junior high school in Kuching, Malaysia for 1 year before I move to Jakarta. I live in Jakarta for 13 years. But then my hubby live in Pontianak so I have to move back to Pontianak since January 2014. We were married on January 11, 2014.

The purpose of this blog is to introduce ppl to Pontianak, since I find it very hard to search anything in Google related to Pontianak. I'll try to update often with reviews of restaurant or doctors or anything at all.

That's it for now
